What is Male Pattern Baldness?
Nearly two-thirds of American men experience some form of hair loss by age 35 and by age 50, roughly 85% of men deal with significant hair thinning. Male pattern baldness, or MPB as it’s often called, is a form of androgenetic alopecia. Alopecia is simply a medical term for baldness and can be caused by a number of factors like disease, hormone imbalance, stress and certain medications. However the primary factor for MPB is heredity. Men suffering from MPB likely inherit hair follicles that are sensitive to dihydrotestosterone (DHT). These hair follicles shrink and their lifespans are shortened, eventually not producing hair.
Detecting MPB
A receding hairline and thinning hair around a man’s crown are telltale signs of male pattern baldness. This is because hair follicles in these areas are more sensitive to DHT, creating a pattern of hair loss like losing hair on the top of the head leaving a horseshoe of remaining hair around the side and back of the head. While this is more common for men as they reach their mid-30s, some men can start experiencing MPB at 21.
Solutions for Male Pattern Baldness
Because those who suffer from male pattern baldness report that it can affect every aspect of their life, from personal relationships to even their careers, there are a lot of products on the market targeting MPB. Unfortunately most products do not actually prevent or treat hair loss. When looking at these products, always check for approval by the Food and Drug Administration and an endorsement by the American Hair Loss Association.
With early intervention, there are some medical treatments and surgeries that can restore hair growth. A 5-alpha-reductace inhibitor like Propecia works to stop the hair follicle sensitivity to DHT and can slow the hair loss process. Hair restoration surgery is also an option and has come a long way since hair plugs.
One of the most widely used solutions for male pattern baldness is a hair piece or toupee. Hair pieces can be made from human or synthetic hair and blend in naturally with existing hair. They are easy to care for and style and are offered at only a fraction of the cost of medical treatments or surgery. Hair pieces today look so natural, most people can’t spot one. Celebrities like Sean Connery and William Shatner have been wearing hair pieces for years as a solution to their early onset hair loss.
Wig-A-Do for Male Pattern Baldness
If you are facing male pattern baldness and need a quick solution for a good hair day every day, stop by Wig-A-Do. We are professional stylists with the experience to help you find the best hair piece to complement your existing hair or to replace lost hair. Our goal is to help you feel like your old self when you leave the salon, and we’ll provide you with the tools and training to maintain your look at home. We’re proud to serve the Moorestown, Camden, Cherry Hill and surrounding New Jersey areas. No one will know the difference unless you want them to – call us today at (856) 235-3534!